Piss Femdom

Slaves forced to drink their mistress' pee

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A slave is about to find out just how much his mistress hates him. She is going to not only cover him in golden nectar and give him the biggest golden shower ever, but she is also going to spit directly on his face and tell him just how much she thinks he is a total fucking loser. This slave deserves nothing but humiliation and degradation from this hot mistress.

A slave is about to find out what a special type of drink from Lady Alysha's feet might involve. He has always been fond of her and is ready to do anything that she wants, however sometimes he gets a bit scared because she can be so cruel and humiliating. She will let him drink golden nectar directly from her pussy, because she thinks he is such an idiot.

Princess Nikki has never enjoyed spending time with her slave, because he is such a total idiot. Instead of doing things he enjoys, she is going to do something she has been waiting for. She will spray her golden nectar right on his face in public, and let anyone that wants to watch the you how pathetic he looks on his knees with his mouth open like a begging dog.

A mistress will drink a great deal of water, because she has a few slaves coming over to her home that need to be punished and humiliated. Normally she will just put her golden nectar and a beer mug or a glass, but because the slaves have been so bad she is going to make sure her pee lands in a bowl for them to drink out of like a dog.

These two ladies are so much fun when they are hanging out together at night. Instead of doing the normal activities, they are going to have find spreading their golden nectar all over the neighborhood. They are going to take a nice warm piss right in the driveway of their slave. They cannot quit laughing at how funny it is to be peeing in his driveway for him to watch.

Victoria can be so mean to her boyfriend, because he tends to be unfaithful every now and then. Instead of dumping him, she is going to make sure he gets a severe punishment involving all of her golden nectar landing right on his face. He does not like this type of punishment and feels like a complete loser each time she does it. Maybe he will learn his lesson.

These two ladies together can be a terrific time for anyone to hang out with. However, they also have a motive in mind that might be a bit punishing to a loser slave that they see on a regular basis. They are going to make sure he has a cocktail he will never forget. The cocktail is going to involve all of their golden nectar in a beer mug to drink.

This mistress is far from being nice to any of her slaves. She has always been very cruel and punishing to her slaves, but every now and then she will do something that is just completely outrageous to them. Her goal is to make her safe feel like a total loser so that she is able to laugh right in his face and demand he drink her hot piss.

Letizia is so brutal, but she is also a very sadistic mistress that enjoys making sure her slave is humiliated on a regular basis. Her slave has always enjoyed drinking her golden nectar or receiving a golden shower, but this time he is going to lick her toes because they are covered in all of her golden nectar. She felt like making him endure humiliation on a new level.

A hot blonde with a smoking body is always a good time. There isn't a slave that can resist her because she is so sexy and hot, but her favorite thing to do is pee directly on a slave. If she can, she will always make sure she covers his face first, because slaves are actually nothing more than pathetic losers that deserve to be humiliated to the fullest extent.

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